I combine a genuine love of teaching with the passion of dog training. Mix in a physical education degree, hours of study, and canine behaviourial research complemented by years of hands on experience. Included with that I hold strong belief in an ethical, force free approach in dealing with dogs and their owners.
I don’t “just love dogs” – I respect and appreciate them for their unique and distinctive contribution to our lives. In doing so, I make a never ending commitment to working towards understanding and promoting the best methods and up to date knowledge that science has available.
I train both ends of the leash – not only the dog. My job is to help you achieve your goals, develop your skills, provide support, and enrich your relationship. I will always be your dog’s best advocate and your greatest resource.
I believe in considering all aspects of your dog’s development. This includes physical (nutritional and health options), psychological and mental (training and games) and genetics (breed disposition). Equally important are the owner dynamics, as we ensure that nothing is overlooked in our journey together.
I welcome any questions regarding my training, knowledge, and experience. Rather than bore you to death here – please email me if you wish to ask for more information.